12 pieces of the puzzle part 3 Reverse Diabetes – 12 Vital Pieces of the Puzzle (Breakthrough and Game Changers)

In order to reverse diabetes type 2 naturally in 2016 and 2017 I started by spending more than 200 hours in research.
I knew I had to look outside the boundaries of conventional diabetes treatment because conventional treatment focused on managing diabetes; not reversing it.
I just want to manage it.
I wanted to get rid of diabetes for good.

I’ve documented all of this in a case study available for download at https://fuelupshapeup.com/diabetesgone-3bt

I was starting as a 62 year old who’d been fat — actually; “morbidly obese” at 300 lbs and more — for over 30 years I knew I needed to find something extraordinary. I did. My weight loss in 2016 and 2017 was 120 lbs; and my HbA1c numbers have been close to 5.1 since mid 2017 while an additional benefit is that my blood pressure is routinely  in the 100 over 70 range; and it is often lower. You can’t get those numbers from what the doctors tell you to do.

My research was vital to all of that. I was able to develop a a plan that was supported by science; it was safe; cost me nothing (actually I saved money) and — very important — took a shape that meant I wasn’t hungry during the process.

Out of all my research I conducted, I came up with 12 “pieces of the Diabetes Puzzle” and 3 game Changers. Each of these was crucial. Together these led me to develop the plan I followed.

Those 12 Pieces of the Puzzle covered a lot of territory. In the videos that were Part 1 and Part 2 of this series I explained with a lot of basics — conventional treatments for Type 2 Diabetes; recommendations for diet and weight loss and exercise; symptomatic treatments aimed at how to lower blood sugar levels. The topics started to zero-in on insulin related issues.

I also covered some fairly advanced and little known concepts. Part 2  especially dealt with a concern and puzzle about my own HbA1c and blood sugar numbers. I had to understand how something that seemed impossible could happen; this pulled-in issues around dietary habits and insulin resistance that almost no-one understands; the definition of “no-one” unfortunately includes the medical profession. Because they don’t understand this issue; doctors and nutrition specialists often make recommendations that are entirely contradictory to good health and can genuinely lead to serious illness and even death.

In this Video part 3, I walk you through the 2 final pieces of the puzzle including an absolute breakthrough. These 2 peices led me to search and discover 3 game Changers that in turn generated my action plan. I address the game Changers in this video, too.

There’s a lot of “hype” about the diabetes topic these days but there are actually very few people who have genuinely set out to reverse diabetes type 2, and achieved it. I’m one of those who has. This video explains the most important final “Pieces of the Puzzle” that made it possible.

Oh, and in Video 1, I mentioned a Tedx talk by a doctor Sarah Hallberg who explained exactly how the guidelines for diet and treatment issued by the American Diabetes Association guaranteed that Diabetes would not be reversed or even improved if you followed them. Here’s the link to that;
And it’s on the web site I share with my daughter: https://fuelupshapeup.com/diabetesgone-3bt