Category Archives: Beauty

Your Eyes Have It

Your eyes demand attention whenever you are talking to someone or even glancing in their direction. They are an important feature of your face and the skin around the eyes can bring the eyes to healthy life or contribute to a dull, lifeless look.

Naturally as you age the skin surrounding the eyes develops fine lines and deeper wrinkles. This is because the delicate skin around the eyes is very different to the rest of the skin on your face. It is much thinner and in fact has very few oil glands which can keep it naturally moisturized. This means its dries out faster and being thin, if not treated gently can stretch and tear, causing bags and sagging.

For this reason is it important to treat the eye area gently and don’t wipe or rub the eyes harshly, instead just patting the area without pulling is recommended.

Puffiness around the eyes is common on waking but can remain throughout the day for a variety of reasons including tiredness, smoking, drinking alcohol, diet and even hormonal changes. If you do have a problem with puffy eyes try elevating your head slightly at night on a higher pillow and drinking plenty of water throughout the day to cleanse out your blood system. One cause of puffiness can be as simple as the cream you are using. Eyes are naturally sensitive and will water continuously to cleanse them of impurities. When using creams around the eye area make sure you don’t apply them too closely to the eye and seek out natural skin care creams without harsh chemicals and additives.

The cream will ‘creep about 1 centimeter by itself so just apply creams on the bone below the eye area. The cream will make its way further on the skin but not into the eyes themselves. When applying eye cream place a little of the cream onto your ring finger and gently pat the cream around the eye and dab gently to absorb, do not rub. You only need to apply a tiny amount of cream around the eye to bring satisfactory results in fact too much cream can irritate and cause the puffiness you are trying to avoid.

3 easy steps to get that perfect tan using self tanning sprays

Traditional tanning methods have become less popular these days because of major health risks. Because of this major finding in tanning several companies have provided tanning creams, lotions and spray to get a tanned skin even without the help of tanning beds or the sun. Most people prefer this type of artificial tanning since there is no significant health risk and the only damage a person may get from them is if their skins are too sensitive and the application may cause some allergy.

Among these innovations the one that is gaining the most popularity is the self tanning spray. This easy to use product is sprayed evenly on the skin and then all you have to do is wait for it to dry. Tanning products contain a chemical called dihydroxyacetone (DHA). This chemical acts an agent that triggers the amino acids in the skin to produce a great tan. Tanning products has been recognized by many as safe and effective and does not produce the great risk that traditional and tanning beds have. Applying a tanning spray is pretty easy, but there are some things that you need to know to achieve that perfect even tan. Here are five things that you should remember when you apply one.

Prepare your skin

Before you apply a tanning spray, make sure that your skin can handle the formulation. Read the instructions carefully and then apply a small amount of the spray in your body and wait for any allergic reactions or discoloration. In this way you can check the quality of the tanning spray and you reduce the risk of hurting your skin.

It is best that you remove all the dead skin cells in your body so that the spray will be more effective. The reason behind is that tanning sprays usually “stick” to the outer layer of your skin. So if your dead skin cells are still in your body, they will be ones that gets tanned, and your tan will not last long. Aside from this, healthy skin cells are very receptive to the tannig sprays and would hold them longer. Scrub your whole body using a loofah or any other scrub and make sure that you exfoliate your whole body especially the exposed parts.

Aside from scrubbing your body, be sure to apply a moisturizer a few hours before you apply your tanning spray. This softens your skin and it becomes more receptive, therefore making your tan last longer and absorbing it better.

Application strategies

Wear dark clothing because the spray sometimes discolors them. Aside from this, make sure that you have a pair of gloves that you can use to avoid discoloration in your hands. Although some prefer to use their hands to evenly apply the spray. Just be sure that you wash your hands right away after application to avoid further discoloration.

When you start spraying your body be sure to apply the tanning spray evenly. Prepare a towel or tissue to wipe off drips and make sure that you apply the spray in covered areas like the back of your ears to achieve and even color.

Final reminders

Make sure that you have evenly applied the spray, and make necessary adjustments if you find any discoloration. Stand still for about a minute to avoid dripping and uneven application. It is crucial that you do not move especially your joints since these areas can easily remove the application. Be sure to follow the instructions given in your kit and do not forget to apply a sun screen when you go out. Most tanning sprays contain a sun screen protection formula but it is best to apply it separately to ensure safety.

These three steps will give you that perfect tan you have been dreaming about. Just be sure to follow these reminders and all you have to do next is to find that perfect clothing that goes with your new tanned look.

Skin tone, drinking water, coconut milk, etc.

The best way to have healthy, glowing skin is to start from the inside out. Eliminating caffeine in the form of coffee and soda is one way to start. Caffeine dehydrates the body and skin. And lack of moisture is a sure way to create lines and wrinkles. It’s also a diuretic, causing increased urine output, again depleting your body and skin of the moisture it needs. We try to combat this with moisturizers, but the better way is to put the moisture INTO your body, not on it.

Drinking pure water, unprocessed fruit juices or coconut milk will give your body and skin the hydration it needs. The colors in fruit juices are the colors of the earth and these colors will reflect themselves in warm and healthy skin tones.

The overall effects of caffeine on your body will manifest themselves in your skin. Heavy caffeine drinkers can experience osteoporosis, headaches, depression, sleeplessness. These can all be reflected in your skin.

When you replace colas, coffee and teas made with boiling water with water, fruit juices “sun tea” and coconut milk, you’ll soon start to feel better and sleep better. Your skin will reflect the good health of all the organs and cells of your body, once you’ve kicked the caffeine habit.

Another reason for drinking pure water, juices and “sun tea” is that when you boil water, you’re releasing oxygen from it. When the body rids itself of toxins, it passes through the skin which is the largest elimination organ. Raw food increases your detoxification rate. Drinking water helps the body rid itself of toxins. Seaweed is high in vitamins and minerals beneficial to the skin and also helps rid the body of toxins.

To achieve a healthy complexion, drink plenty of water and eat plenty of raw food. What goes into your body is reflective in your overall appearance.

Raw Food and Skin Health

What’s the largest organ in your body? It’s your skin! It provides a protective covering for the other organs of the body. It changes to regulate your internal body temperature. And it’s a good indicator of overall health and well-being.

People spend thousands of dollars on skin preparations to make your skin look vibrant and glowing. They’re all topical products – products that we put on top of our skin. But if we spent just a fraction of the money we spend on these preparations on RAW FOODS, we’d begin to see an immediate change in the texture of our skin.

When you eat raw foods, you put more of the essential vitamins and amino acids your body needs into it. You’re also adding moisture – naturally. Raw foods have a much higher moisture content than cooked foods, simply because the cooking process takes out so much essential moisture.

Your skin is a mirror of what’s going on in the rest of your body. And when your organs and blood are fed the nutrition they need to function properly, that shows in your skin. Get your vitamins and moisture from foods like apples and carrots. When you do, then phrases like “inner beauty” and “inner glow” will be applied to YOU. Your skin is what’s presented to the rest of the world and healthy, glowing skin makes the best first impression.

When you start adding raw foods to your diet, things will just naturally fall into place. You’ll feel better. You’ll look better. People will react to you more positively. You’ll have so much more energy for your work, your friends, and your family. And this kind of energy is a self-perpetuating thing. You don’t need self-help books and expensive moisturizers and plastic surgery. When your body and skin are getting their essential nutrition with raw, uncooked foods, you’ll look and feel your best, NATURALLY!

Nail Care Techniques

Do’s and Don’ts of Nail Care

1. Do’s

Leave your nails without nail polish once in a while at least in order to allow them to breathe.

Keep a pack of hand lotion or cream near the kitchen sink and use it each time after washing your hands.

Wear gloves while doing housework or gardening and rub some hand cream or lotion before putting on the gloves.

Apply oil to your nails whenever possible in order to strengthen them.

Include ample quantities of calcium and vitamin A in your daily diet.

Keep your manicure set clean in order to prevent any infection.

Have a professional manicure done at least once a month.

Prolonged exposure to the sun is not good for nails and a lot of swimming will dry them. This can be encountered by keeping the nails and cuticles well moisturized.

Before doing chores like dusting or gardening, first dig the nails into a soap bar. This prevents dirt from getting embedded under them and also make them easier to clean later.

To keep nail polish intact in the bath, smooth a little skin cream on it before going for a bath.

If a nail breaks, we can get, professional help in fixing ‘false’ nails. Otherwise, try to file them down. If the break is bad, remove all the polish from that nail and mend the break with a small piece of cello-tape, cut to fit. Then re-apply polish.

If nails are brittle and break or split easily, keep them oiled.

2. Don’ts

Don’t use your nails on a job that can be done just as well with a pair of scissors, pliers or a hammer.

Don’t file nails when they are damp.

Don’t cut cuticles.

Don’t wash clothes or dishes in very hot water.

Don’t bite or chew your nails.

Don’t clean your nails with a sharp metal instrument – use a nail brush and orange stick instead.

Don’t be seen with chipped nail polish – it is a sign of careless grooming.

Don’t leave your hands in detergent for long.

Don’t peel-off your nail polish – always use a nail-polish remover.

Nail Polish Selection

Whenever we use nail polish, we should select the shade carefully. Deep toned polish looks good on long and slender nails. Pale colors make short nails look longer and they also look good on small, delicate-looking hands.

Nail- Length Decision

As regards the nail-length, not everyone can manage long nail. If we do a lot of typing or housework, play the guitar or are a sports freak, long nail are not for us.

File rather than cut as cutting weaken the nail and cause it to flake. File in one direction only from sides to center, using the softer side of an emery board, not a metal file. Aim for a rounded tip: the shape at the tip should reflect the shape at the base to make a perfect oval.


If your elbows have been darkened, apply a mixture of lemon juice mixed with milk cream. Wash off after 30 minutes.

To get rid of elbow darkness, you can also apply a mixture of cucumber juice and lemon juice (in equal quantities). Wash off after 15 minutes.

Massaging hands with almond oil is helpful in order to keep them in a good condition.

If the hands are stained or discolored, rub a little lemon juice or hydrogen peroxide on the stain after washing and before drying the hands. This lightens the stain.

For big hands, wear exotic bracelets high on the arm and wide ornamental rings.

Slim, small hands call for daintiness in the choice of jewellery and nail polish shade. Narrow bracelets and rings with delicate elongated settings look the prettiest.

For small, square hands use small and simple jewellery.

On wrinkled hands, use rich cream after heating the hands.

As one matures, one tends to get freckles on the hand. Use a good bleaching cream for this. Although the results are temporary, they are quite effective.

Survey Shows Men Gaining on Women in Caring for Skin

Men are rapidly gaining ground on women when it comes to skin care.

More than half of the men (51 percent) in a recent Harris Interactive survey admitted that they are caring for their skin better than ever before.

But despite an increased attention to skin care among men, many are still relatively unaware of what triggers common skin maladies and how best to treat them. For example, the survey found more than one-third of men (34 percent) are not sure what triggers cold sores, a common skin affliction that affects an estimated 50 million people in the United States.

Dermatologists caution that what their male patients don’t know about skin care can hurt them. At a time when men are more image conscious than ever, they need to be aware of common risks, such as overexposure to sunlight, which can trigger unsightly cold sores and a host of other skin care issues.

“Ultraviolet (UV) light from sunshine and other sources is one of the most common cold sore triggers,” says Dr. Debra Jaliman, a board-certified dermatologist in New York. “Not knowing that sunlight can cause cold sores and being unprepared to treat them can lead to larger, longer-lasting and more-painful outbreaks.”

For image-conscious males who want to make the embarrassing blemishes disappear as quickly as possible, Dr. Jaliman recommends being prepared with over-the-counter medications such as Abreva, as opposed to lip balms and other treatments that can only claim to offer temporary, symptomatic relief.

“Abreva is the only nonprescription cold sore medicine approved by the FDA to shorten the healing time and duration of symptoms,” she says. “The sooner you start treatment, the more effective you can be in limiting the cold sore’s severity and duration.”

Dr. Jaliman also recommends that those prone to cold sore outbreaks:

– Limit sun exposure, especially between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., when the sun is at its strongest.

– Avoid tanning beds because the UV light they generate is just as likely as sunlight to trigger an outbreak.

– Wear sunscreen and lip moisturizer with an SPF of at least 15 and reapply throughout the day.

– Wear a hat to avoid sun exposure to the delicate skin of the face and mouth.

– Be cautious of the sunlight’s reflection from water and concrete.

– Carry Abreva at all times, as it is most effective when used at the first sign of a cold sore.

Dry Skin Care

With too many roles for woman to juggle in today’s fast paced, high pressured lifestyle, there is very little time for her to pamper herself.

With tension, worries, anxiety and age, the skin become less active leaving it drier, fragile, prone to wrinkle, lines near the eyes and mouth and losing the youthful colour and glow.

Failure of oil glands failing to release enough oils to moisturize and protect the skin results in dry skin. Environmental causes like dry air, harsh wind, hormonal imbalance, usage of aggressive chemicals, cosmetics or excessive bathing with harsh soaps saps the moisture from the skin making it dryer, flakier and chapped during winter.

Caring for Dry Skin

– Cleanse and Moisturize: The dry skin should be cleansed with a cold cream and alcohol-free skin fresheners to remove the cream. After cleansing, the skin needs a lubricating emollient or a moisturizer when the face is damp after the wash.

– Splash your face with cold water or gently wipe the skin with rose water to tone the skin nicely.

– Avoid using highly alkaline soaps and detergents like washing sodas and powders.

– Avoid the sun, harsh winds and hot baths. Use oil-based creams and make-up products only. Use soft towels or wash cloth to avoid irritation to the skin while wiping it.

– Smoking deprives the skin of oxygen and nutrients it needs for good health making the skin dry and leathery.

– Chapped or cracked skin – increase consumption of water. Keep chapped areas well lubricated and protected from the elements using a good nourishing cream or moisturizer.

– Use creamy, mild, pH-balanced products such moisture based cream gels, lotions, etc for dry skin care.

A well balanced diet of vegetables, fruits, grains, seeds and nuts provides the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals needed for healthy skin. Drinking water and reducing solar exposure to a minimum is also beneficial. Garlic, onions, eggs and asparagus help to keep the skin smooth and youthful. Carrots, apricots, rich in vitamins A, C keep the skin supple. Increase intake of foods like leafy raw green veggies, dairy products like yoghurt, milk. Lessen fried foods, soft drinks, sugar, chocolates, junk foods, alcohol, caffeine and other foods that have diuretic effecting causing the body and skin to loose fluids, vitamins and essential minerals.

Detoxification: Natural Remedies for Cleansing your Body

If you have ever wondered what it’s like to go through a total body detoxification process, there are actually simple steps in which anyone can take that will totally cleanse the organs of the body. These simple steps and processes will leave their body feeling clean and refreshed, just as if they had stepped out of a steaming hot shower. More importantly, though, there are simple detoxification steps that will help strengthen the body’s first line of defenses against invading pathogens and bacterial diseases. These are only some of the benefits from performing a natural cleanse on the body, though. A healthier immune system, heightening of the five senses, and a feeling like no other are some of the other benefits that go along with the detoxification of the body. Here are some simple solutions to the paths that can lead to all of these natural and great feelings in the body:

Natural Detoxification Remedy #1: Water Infiltration

When undergoing a detoxification of the body then your best friend then becomes all of the substances that you can ingest that will help carry your further along in those goals. One method to naturally cleanse your body includes a water infiltration. In this method, water is the only thing that one is able to ingest for a period of 24 hours. This will ensure enough time so that the colon is cleansed and so that the rest of the areas of the body can be cleansed also. This is perhaps the easiest way to perform a body detoxification, but it certainly works wonders inside the body!

Natural Detoxification Remedy #2: Juice Infiltration

Just as water is the only thing that must be ingested during the water infiltration, the same goes for juice infiltration. However, during this type of natural body detoxification one is allowed to combine water. But a couple of examples of juices that should be used during this body cleanse are natural juices that are raw in form. For example, it may not seem all too appetizing to drink a glass of barley juice that’s combined with parsley, spinach, and fresh pineapple. Nevertheless, these are the purest forms of juices that should be digested throughout the day. The only sure-fire way to clean out the body is through healthy foods and juices like these that are combined to give you a total body detoxification.

Natural Detoxification Remedy #3: Saunas and Skin Brushing

Everyone may be familiar with using a sauna in their house or their local gym, but what about skin brushing? In fact, though, skin brushing has been shown to help the body in it’s entirety. Just as you would take a washrag to your skin during a shower, so should you take a dry washrag to every part of your body before you jump into the sauna. Brushing your skin will not only help relieve your body of dead cells, but it will also get rid of the toxins. Also, whatever the skin brushing method does not take care of, the sauna definitely will cure.

These are all ways to make sure that your body stays healthy and is completely detoxified. By performing these detoxification methods at least twice per month, one is assured that his or her body will be in a continuous healthy state!

Unwrapping The Health Benefits Of Chewing Gum

One method used to maintain astronauts’ oral health isn’t exactly rocket science. It’s sugarless chewing gum-and it’s not only been linked to healthy teeth, it’s been found to have a number of other benefits as well.

Here’s a closer look:

Out Of This World

In 1964, NASA began giving astronauts sugarless chewing gum for their space missions. Since the astronauts were fed through a tube, their gums tended to swell because they were not actually chewing their food. Chewing gum helped keep their teeth and gums healthy and strong.

Healthy Smile, Healthy Body

Sugar-free gum has been shown to help reduce the incidence of tooth decay–a condition believed to affect half of all adults and to be the most common chronic childhood disease of childhood. It’s estimated that Americans spend $60 billion a year to treat tooth decay-and it is money well spent. Tooth decay can cause tooth loss, which can lead to malnutrition.

More Reason To Smile

The health benefits of gum don’t stop there. The makers of Trident sugarless gum, Cadbury Adams USA LLC also offer a product called Trident White. According to Cadbury Adams-the U.S. business unit of confectionery and beverage leader Cadbury Schweppes (NYSE: CSG)–the gum not only whitens teeth and helps prevent stains, it also provides additional oral health benefits. It features Recaldent, a remineralizing ingredient that helps strengthen teeth. The gum’s whitening agent is completely nonabrasive (unlike gums that use baking soda to whiten) and does not contribute to tooth sensitivity.

Chew To A New You

An added benefit of chewing gum: It’s low in calories. Sugar free gum usually has about five calories. That means it can be a smart way for dieters to help satisfy snack cravings. For instance, Trident Splash is a sugar-free gum that Cadbury Adams says was actually designed to be a great tasting snack alternative that’s good for your teeth. The gum is a unique combination of textures-a liquid center surrounded by soft, chewy gum and a sweet, crispy outer shell-and it comes in two surprising flavors: peppermint with vanilla and strawberry with lime.

Not Just Lip Service

According to the National Association of Chewing Gum Manufacturers, chewing gum:

Relaxes and eases tension

Helps concentration

Helps people resist the urge to smoke

Reduces ear discomfort when flying

Cleans teeth after meals.

Cellulite: Its Causes and Treatments

Cellulite refers to the fat stored on specific body parts especially on the abdomen. It looks like orange peel or cottage cheese under the skin.


Cellulite is a fat tissue that appears below the skin’s surface. People does not need to be overweight to have cellulite, in fact, skinny people can have some on their buttocks, breasts, thighs, and abdomen. Cellulite is cause by the following:

1. Genetics.

People who have close relatives that have cellulite are more prone to it. Studies show that almost 85% of women who have cellulites have relatives (mostly parents) affected by the same problem at least once in their lives.

2. Lack of exercise.

People who do not exercise need to tone their muscles to prevent cellulite formation. Following a cardiovascular program or strength training is one way in keeping cellulite away from the body. Walking, jogging, and swimming are also fun activities to avoid cellulites.

3. Poor eating habits.

Unhealthy food together with excess consumption of alcohol, caffeine or spicy foods are closely linked to cellulite formation. When a person takes too much of these foods, the body looses its ability to flush the toxins they produce so they are stored in the fatty tissue. Experts recommend 8 glasses of water everyday instead of caffeine or alcoholic beverages.

4. Smoking.

Few people know that smoking is one of the causes of cellulite formation. It weakens the skin by constricting the capillaries and harms the connective tissue. As a result, the skin develops cellulites.

A surefire way to reduce or eliminate cellulite is through a healthy diet, consistent exercise, and enough water to remove the toxins from the body.


There are a lot of cellulite remedies in the market today. Some of them are the following:

People who are suffering from excessive cellulites and have the need to eliminate them as soon as possible resort to liposuction. This is the removal of cellulite or fat deposits through surgical procedure. Although liposuction has potential side effects, more and more people are going for it because of its fast and excellent results.

However, people who do not have the budget or the guts to try liposuction use cellulite creams that contain minerals, herbs, antioxidants, and vitamins. These creams provide needed moisture and increase the blood supply to remedy damaged and dehydrated cellulite-affected body parts. These creams have low approval rate because minimal results can be seen in few months.

Cellulite lift on the other hand, has very promising results. This is specifically designed for people who have lost considerable amount of weight that resulted to excess skin. As of today, cellulite lift is the most invasive procedure to restore youthful, firm skin. While it promises great results, it also comes with disadvantages. It can leave extensive scar and longer recovery period for the patient.

Another treatment is called Laser Lipolisis. This technique was developed in Italy. This is done by inserting fiber-optic laser through small incisions on the target body part. This laser absorbs more than 500 grams of body fat.

Cellulite is one of the biggest problems being faced by Americans today. However, with the prevention tips and techniques, cellulite should be no big deal! Learn how to fight it and have get a body beautiful in no time.